Leaders Speak: How to Spot a Great Leader in an Organization

Many people who are bosses or managers think that their organizational position automatically makes them a leader. The truth is, anyone can become a boss. Not everyone has what it takes to be a leader.

Another truth is that not all leaders are automatically bosses. There are leaders at all levels of an organization, not just in higher-level management roles. They are often underappreciated and unrecognized because of the very things that make them great leaders, like humility, innovation, and a desire to see others succeed. Great leaders in organizations understand the importance of empowering others to fulfill their dreams and objectives. Here are some of the qualities that separate a boss from a leader.

  1. They’re humble:

Great leaders don’t pretend to know all the answers. When a major project comes along, they know that they can’t handle it on their own. They look to others on their team who have a heightened understanding or training on specific tasks, and they lean on their team members to get the job done.
Even though they designate team members to take on specific roles or responsibilities, great leaders also take the fall when something doesn’t go as planned. They don’t throw their team under the bus or play the blame game. They admit mistakes and focus on finding solutions instead of pointing fingers.

2. They empower others

Because they recognize that they do not have all the answers, great leaders turn to others to solve problems. They empower others by entrusting them with important responsibilities and encouraging them to find their own solutions.

3. They have empathy

Bad bosses give orders and expect their subordinates to follow them, no matter what. Great leaders understand that their subordinates are humans who struggle from time to time. Having empathy and the ability to recognize when something is wrong is essential for good leadership.

To fully understand what their employees are going through, good leaders need to take time out and listen. Employees should know they can talk to their leader candidly without fearing repercussions. This is how relationships develop that allow leaders to work with their team to produce outstanding results.

4. They know how to motivate others

When employees are new to a company, they’re naturally excited about every project that gets put in their lap. As time goes on, that excitement can wear off, and things can start to become routine.

Great leaders find innovative ways to excite and motivate their teams. They are passionate about their work, and their enthusiasm is contagious. Employees stick with great leaders who continually remind them of why they are doing what they are doing and how it helps others in the company, community, and world.

5. They’re transparent

Bosses may pretend everything is fine, even when employees can tell that something is obviously wrong. Great leaders know that keeping everyone in the dark isn’t helpful, so they are transparent and open when challenges arise. They focus on finding ways to solve problems and understand that teams can only work on solutions when they fully understand the issue at hand.

This transparency creates trust between leaders and their teams, which is invaluable for an organization.

Anyone can work their way into a management position, but not everyone has what it takes to be an effective leader. Leaders inspire others and drive their teams to produce fantastic results. Thus, organizations need to recognize the difference between a boss and a leader and put processes in place that recognize and reward leaders within teams.


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